śatakatrayam 3.32: ākrāntaṃ maraṇena (life is conquered by death)

by Jahnabi Barooah

आक्रान्तं मरणेन जन्म जरसा चात्युज्ज्वलं यौवनं
संतोषो धनलिप्सया शमसुखं प्रौढाङ्गनाविभ्रमै: ।
लोकैर्मत्सरिभिर्गुणा वनभुवो व्यालैर्नृपा दुर्जनै-
रस्थैर्येण विभूतयो ‘प्युपहता ग्रस्तं न किं केन वा।।३२।।

life is conquered by death.
shining youth by old age,
contentment by the desire of wealth,
and joy of tranquility by the
charms of bold women.
virtues are undone by jealous people,
forests by snakes,
kings by wicked people,
and riches, too, by instability.
is there anything that is not
tormented by something else? ||32||