śatakatrayam 3.29: ye saṃtoṣa- (they who are happy )

by Jahnabi Barooah

ये संतोषनिरन्तरप्रमुदितास्तेषां न भिन्ना मुदो
ये त्वन्ये धनलुब्धसंकुलधियस्तेषां न तृष्णा हता ।
इत्थं कस्य कृते कृत: स विधिना तादृक्पदं संपदां
स्वात्मन्येव समाप्तहेममहिमा मेरुर्न मे रोचते ।।२९।।

they who are happy
because of always being content,
their happiness cannot be broken by it.
and others who are fixated on acquiring money,
their greed cannot be destroyed by it.
this being the case,
for whose sake did the creator
make a fount of wealth like it?
mount meru–
the glory of whose gold fulfills only itself
holds no attraction for me. ||29||