śatakatrayam 1.31: jātiryātu rasātalaṃ (let caste go to hell!)

by Jahnabi Barooah

जातिर्यातु रसातलं गुणगणस्तत्राप्यधो गच्छतां
शीलं शैलतटात्पतत्वभिजन: संदह्यतां वह्निना ।
शौर्ये वैरिणि वज्रमाशु निपतत्वर्थोऽस्तु न: केवलं
येनैकेन विना गुणास्तृणलवप्राया: समस्ता इमे ।।३१।।

let caste go to hell!
let good qualities sink even lower!
let morality fall from the mountain top!
let nobility be burned by fire!
let indra emasculate our bravery!
money is the only thing that matters,
without it, all these qualities
are as insignificant as blades of grass.||31||